Hi all.
Last sunday, we had a LOT of new investigators come to sacrament meeting and enjoy the spirit too. Our investigator Lulu expressed a strong want to come back next sunday. She is getting baptized for sure! I learned a really interesting thing yesterday. Lulu and Tony Venegas, an active member in our branch, USED TO HAVE A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP together but decided they were better off just good friends. Also, another of our investigators who came, Lorena R. grew up with Lulu back in school and they knew each other a long time since. Walt Disney was wrong. It's a TINY world after all. Well, at least when it comes to Los Angeles, one of the biggest cites in the world.
I just had a frightening relevation. In 2 weeks, I'll have hit my 6-month mark, which means soon, 1/4 of my mission will be over already. Yikes. It didn't even feel like that long, not even close. It's as if yesterday I was just drying off from leaving behind a teary mom at reporting-in day at the MTC. (I still DON'T miss the awful MTC food though. Some of you might think it's awesome to have burgers and fries everyday but trust me when I say you'll get sick of it pretty fast!) I'm really afraid to blink, beacuse I just know the second I open my eyes, I'll be married, have a dreary job in corporate world somewhere, and a little bundle of joy is coming along the way. ={
Over the week, I have had a few companion splits with the missionaries working the north part of LA. It was a cool experience meeting many new people. Elder Cordy is a pretty cool teacher, and I learned a lot of tips and methods from him. That, and he is the District Leader here in the ASL program.
Also, the Maravillas Family accepted a baptism date for May 19. The only and big problem is that the husband, Luis has to work on sunday, and his boss refuses to allow him to take a few sundays off. =( We're really praying that a opportunity will open up for Luis, that will allow them to be able to come to church.
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