Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hi all.

One exciting thing happened yesterday is that our sacvrament meeting attendance experienced a unexcepted spike. A lot of our less-actives finally got their act together and showed up at church, also many of our investigators. The cool thing is that one of many of our investigators came to sacrament meeting and he is a (woman in shower screaming before being stabbed to death by man behind curtain in that old movie whose name escapes me right now.) Jehovah Witness. You gotta love the power of priesthood. In fact, the other day, we had a look-down (exchanging glares like two guys in the old west before high-noon) with some signing JWs outside a house of one of our recent converts. We won. =P

Also... WE HAVE A BAPTISMAL DATE. Lulu Diaz, one of our investigators, is getting baptized on May 9. We committed 3 others to baptism but all of them said they weren't ready and so they asked us to wait. Whatever. At least one said yes.

This week, we're going to really crack it down on the Maravillas family and see to it that they say yes to baptism. They're a cool family that have a strong knowledge of the gospel (many missionaries has been teaching them including my brother). They even have a testimony too but they just won't take sundays off to come to church. Also, the really (missionary censored) thing is that they wanted to put off baptism for TEN MONTHS so their youngest son can be old enough so the all of them can be baptised at once. ??? This calls for Alma 34:32-34 and Moroni chapter 8!

We'll see what happens. We're trying to see to it that the next transfer brings with it so many baptisms that they have to refill the baptismal font with clean water every now and then! Speaking of which, transfers are next week. We're really hoping that there will be big changes that transfer, mainly moving up to three different companionships and re-opening Long Beach to the preaching of the gospel among the deaf.


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