Hi all.
Lulu Diaz is GETTING BAPTIZED next week! She accepted all the lessons well, is abiding by all the commandments, and is growing a testimony about the restored Gospel. She will have a baptism interwiew this thursday and then everything is all set for a dunking.
A really sweet thing happened yesterday at sacrament Meeting. Our investigator, Lorena Reynoso brought his daughter to church. At one point during the sacrament, I overheard (actually, "over-saw" in my case) Lorena explain to his young daughter about the importance of the sacrament in remembering the Christ. It sorta made my heart melt. Also, over the course of church meetings, Lorena's daughter enjoyed primary so much that she begged her mother to let her stay a little longer. We want SO much for them to learn and accept the gospel and ordinances. Unfortunately, there's just this teeny weeny problem: Lorena's husband is a devout catholic and is against the church. Well, actually, that was a tad thick. Not like "MORMONS PRACTICE POLYGAMY!", more like "No thanks. I'm really not interested" and then slam the door in our faces. =( We really hope that over the course of time, Lorena will be able to have her husband listen to and benefit from the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
When I said this transfer would bring big changes, boy, was I right and wrong at the same time. First of all, We STILL do not have permission to go to Long Beach, which really sucks. Whatever. I'll just wait for the new mission presidency to come in two months and take it from there. Secondly, Our now former District Leader, Elder Cordy, was transferred out of the ASL program and is now back to spanish-speaking. Our new DL is Elder Jackson. Also, this might come as a shock to my brother Jared, but his arch-nemesis whise name I dare not type on here for fear of my brother's wrath, is now in our zone.
Thirdly, we just (shudder) moved in a new apartment, up in Hawthorne. I'm not really pleased with our new apartment. For one, it needs new paint, new oven and laundry machines, and there's bars on our windows. Also, It's in a weird location because our new apartment is more north than the other ASL missionaries' apartment, and they work the north and we work south, which really doesn't make sense. I'll have to discuss it with my mission president during interviews in two weeks.
- E.T.